Rosoft Lame Encoder Features

Rosoft Lame Encoder doesn't come with the backend encoder that does the actual encoding. Because of Fraunhofers huge license fee we have found it more sensible to rely on the support for the free-of-charge backend encoder from the Lame Project. The lame project is a project where developers around the whole world are improving the free encoder that produces mp3 files but due to the Lame Project isn't an mp3 encoder. This does not mean that the Lame encoder is not as good as the other encoders. Due to test we have made at Rosoft Engineering we have found that the lame encoder is as good as the original, the Fraunhofer MP3 Encoder. Last year 2001 we sold the Fraunhofer MP3 Encoder with license from Fraunhofer and THOMPSON multimedia. But the user told us that they didn't want to pay the $10 extra we had to add the the registration for our full products that included the Fraunhofer MP3 Encoder. By relying on support for different encoder that produces mp3 files we at Rosoft Engineering try to keep our back free. Since the program only supports outboard mp3 encoder and other encoders such as the Lame encoder we also have the possibility to release this program as a freeware/adware program.

Rosoft Lame Encoder includes

  • Possibility to chose from Fast, Normal and High Quality encoding
    • Fast means that the encoder does the job fast at a lower quality.

    • Normal means that the encoder does the job at a normal speed and at a normal quality

    • High Quality means that the encoder does the hob at a slower speed and at the same time makes a better result.

  • Possibility to chose different bitrates
    • You can chose different bitrates. At high bitrate you get better sound but the time to encode is longer. At low bitrate the encoding is done faster at a lower quality. The bitrate ranges from 32 kbps to 320 kbps. The higher the bitrate the bigger files you get. The lower bitrate the smaller file you get.

  • Possibility to hose between different encoders
    • You have the option to chose between different backend encoders. At the moment when this file was written the encoders supported is Blade Encoder, Lame Encoder and our Fraunhofer MP3 Encoder we sold in 2001. Every one who registered Rosoft Audio Tools 2, Licensed Edition or Rosoft MP3 Encoder, Licensed Edition should be able to chose Fraunhofer as their encoder.

  • Possibility to set the options for every track individually
    • You can set the options for every track individually. This is useful if you want to set the ID3 Tags and the destination folder. If you recorded the tracks by using Rosoft Audio Recorder and from the reorder chose the menu command MP3 Encoder Rosoft Lame Encoder is opened with the same list of tracks that is shown in Rosoft Audio Reorder. But that's not all, the Audio Source Information you set in the recorder will be used when you encode the tracks. That is if you don't change the Audio File Options from the Edit Menu.


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